
Despite the fact that the corona virus seems to be under control, at Pilates Studio Pitonyasa the safety and health of its participants and instructors is of course the number one priority.

  • We follow the schedule as it is published
  • Desinfecting cleaning gel is present in the studio to clean your hands. In addition I clean the mats and equipment with a disinfectant as well

For the online classes I use Zoom. For this you need a laptop, tablet or smart phone with camera and microphone. Current devices are in general already equipped with this, so you should not experience a problem in this respect. For the smart phone or tablet you need to install the Zoom app. On a laptop the necessary software will be installed automatically.

For the online class I will send you a mail with a link. Click on this to join our group class. I send the mail approximately a quarter before the lesson starts. This gives us sufficient time to check if everything works properly and to position the laptop, tablet or smart phone correctly. This is necessary as I need to see you clearly from the side.

Pilates helps against body complaints

Do you suffer from one of the following body complaints or discomforts:

  • poor posture
  • stiffness
  • headache, neck pain or aching shoulders and back
  • coordination problems
  • sports injury

You may benefit from Pilates to remedy these kinds of body complaints. The reason is that by doing Pilates exercises you will:

  • strengthen the muscular system, in particular the small muscles
  • improve body posture
  • make your body more flexible
  • relieve and prevent physical discomfort, such as stress, back pain and posture complaints
  • improve coordination
  • stimulate the respiration and blood circulation
  • enlarge your lung capacity

And of course, if you do not have any body complaints, you can follow Pilates classes just for fun. In this way you will maintain your body.


Doing Pilates classes from Pitonyasa is a gift for your body and mind. Because of this I would like to offer you Pilates classes also as such. On your birthday you will receive the following discount on the usual rate:

a discount of EUR 5 on all PITONYASA session cards

A few restrictions apply, however:

  • The discount is only valid if you buy the session card in the period between one month before and one month after your birthday
  • The payment must be received before the first training date of the session card