News and blog

Progress, not perfection

The only thing that really matters for Pilates, is progress. Perfection is not a goal at all. That is something we leave to the top athletes in the world, and even they actually never reach that target either. The reason is simple: it can always be a bit faster, further or more refined. You perform Pilates exercsies, however, because you experience complaints, such as an incorrect posture or injury. As long as you see improvement of your health and rehabilitation, your progress is more than sufficient.

Not a performance sport

In a previous blog article I mentioned the following already. The point in doing Pilates is to improve your body posture or to remedy complaints such as a stiff neck and shoulders. To what extent you succeed in this, depends in fact completely on your personal situation. Sometimes a complete rehabilitation from for example a sports injury poses no problem whatsoever. On the other hand, I have also customers who were born with an unnatural sideways curved spine. This is called scoliosis and cannot be cured completely. Nevertheless, by Pilates exercises the posture improves without a doubt.

Pilates for everyone

Perfection is not achievable but by a happy few. It is my sincere conviction, however, that Pilates should be within reach of everyone. It does not matter what your body is still capable of. It is in fact the other way round: Pilates adepts itself to you! It is exactly for this reason that I always pay careful attention to the way you perform your exercises and how your body reacts to it. If needed, I modify the exercise according to your situation. In this way I make sure that you can always participate for 100% in my classes. This holds equally well for a group class with others.

Experience Pilates accessibility yourself

As you see, you do Pilates just for yourself. The only thing that counts, is that you feel better in your body. That is why my Pilates studio is easily accessible. For example, pick any class and time that suits you the best. Check our schedule and make an appointment. We welcome you!

Posted by Sandra Pagano in News and blog

Online classes improve concentration

Because of corona a lot has changed lately. In my case I have started online classes for Pilates Studio Pitonyasa. To be honest, at first I had some doubts about remote lessons. However, there appears to be a benefit from online classes. They improve concentration, something which is at least as important as the physical exercises.

Body en mind work together

Right from the beginning Joseph Pilates has stressed the importance of the mind. The reason is that only by concentration you can perform exercises correctly. Working in this way makes you aware of your own body. Furthermore, it helps you to stay in control of your movements. To emphasize this aspect Joseph used the word contrology for his system of movements.

Listen carefully

That is why during your Pilates class you should not watch others how they are performing. This just distracts you. Instead, you must listen carefully to the cues given to you by the instructor. He guides you by his precise instructions, sometimes even specifically adapted for you.

I noticed that online classes help in this regard. Because of the distance people apparently listen with even more focus. In addition, you are alone with your mobile or laptop, so that you do not pay attention to others. It is really a pleasure to see how strongly this improves the concentration.

While the instructor watches

Regarding online classes I experience yet another advantage of Pilates. An instructor must carefully pay attention to you to make sure that you perform the exercises correctly. To this end he cues you continuously. That is exactly why a Pilates instructor does not participate, but keeps a keen eye on you. Just like for the real-life classes in my studio, this is of course equally well possible for online sessions. In fact, the people work with such strong concentration that it helps my own concentration!

Like to try online Pilates?

Are you curious and do you like to try an online class? Check our schedule and make an appointment. You are welcome, not only online but also in the studio!

Posted by Sandra Pagano in News and blog

Pilates and physiotherapy: together strong

More and more physiotherapists refer their clients to Pilates Studio Pitonyasa. Sometimes it concerns Pilates in addition to physiotherapy. In other cases people come to my studio after the physiotherapist has completed his treatment. Pilates is then meant to retain core stability and mobility of joints. Naturally, I am delighted with this development. Together Pilates and physiotherapy stand strong to make your body even more stronger.

Maintenance remains necessary

By injuries, accidents or posture problems mobility reduces. As a consequence you suffer from complaints such as an aching back of painful joints. During the treatment the physiotherapist makes sure that your mobility improves again. To this end he prepares a rehabilitation plan tailored to your situation.

After your complaints have been cured, it is of course important that they do not return. To make sure for example that your body posture remains correct, it may be necessary to perform strengthening exercises during a prolonged period. For this purpose Pilates provides excellent workout possibilities. By doing Pilates exercises you work continuously on your core to enhance body stability. At the same time you improve mobility. In addition this helps also to prevent injuries.

Body and mind

During the rehabilitation the physiotherapist guides you while you perform the exercises. Pilates complements this by making you aware of your own body. That is because by doing Pilates you learn to perform exercises with precision by means of your concentration. This is called body and mind, and it is exactly this combination that helps you to control your own movements. Because in this way you learn to know your body, it supports your rehabilitation by physiotherapy.

Like to know more?

Would you like more information on how Pilates can help you? Or do you prefer to experience immediately what Pilates means? Check our schedule and make an appointment. We welcome you!

Posted by Sandra Pagano in News and blog

Pilates instructors do not participate, but guide

At Pilates Studio Pitonyasa instructors do not participate in the training. Only to clarify or to deepen your understanding of Pilates they may demonstrate an exercise. Sometimes I hear questions about this, because it seems logical that the instructor shows an exercise first. In particular I notice this when people have not done Pilates before and make inquiries about it in my studio. However, if you think about it for a few moments, it is in fact more logical that the instructor does not participate.

Pilates for a better health of you

Of course it is a pleasure to do Pilates just for fun. In addition it is also an excellent method to recover from injuries or to correct a wrong body posture. That is why the instructor pays careful attention to the correct performance of exercises. By making movements in the wrong way there is a risk that your body complaints may become worse. To prevent this the instructor keeps a keen eye on you instead of demonstrating the Pilates exercises.

Personal guidance

A Pilates instructor always takes into account that no body is the same. In particular this is true for people who have limitations or suffer from bodily complaints. For this very reason the instructor uses variations and adapts the exercises. In this way you actually receive tailor made Pilates! This is only possible if the instructor guides you properly and does not participate in the Pilates training.

Focus on your body, not the instructor

By doing Pilates you will understand your body. That is why you perform the exercises with focus and control. Paying attention to what the instructor does, only distracts you from your own performance. You gain more benefit from the exercises if the instructor corrects and guides you, so that you are full time busy with Pilates.

Like to experience it yourself?

Are you curious and do you like to experience yourself in a group class that personal attention is indeed better than imitating what the instructor does? Check our schedule and make an appointment! We welcome you.

Posted by Sandra Pagano in News and blog

Why Pitonyasa does not use levels

When you come to Pilates Studio Pitonyasa to follow lessons, I will always ask you if you are already familiar with Pilates. I do not do this to determine a level for my group classes. I only want to know if it is best for you to start with an introductory lesson, before you continue to follow the lessons in a group class. For the lessons itself I do not use any level. You are welcome to join any group class you like. I do this because in my opinion Pilates should be as accessible as possible.

No performance sport

By doing Pilates exercises you enhance your body posture, recover from injuries and cure body complaints such as a stiff neck and shoulders. In all cases it is not about how quickly you recover or how well you are able to do a certain exercise. The most important is that you work on your body and that as a result you feel better and more comfortable. That is why at Pilates Studio Pitonyasa you may participate in any group class.

Personal approach

Because no body is identical to another, Pilates is not built on top of a series of standard exercises. On the contrary, Pilates takes into account that limitations may exist and for this very reason uses variations and adaptations of its exercises. In that way you are always able to perform the movements. This is exactly why the instructors in my studio pay personal attention to each participant individually in the group class. Group levels are irrelevant, it is all about your personal experience.

Pilates when you are free

When you have bodily complaints, it is important to perform exercises regularly. In this way you are assured of the needed progress to recover. To this end you need access to Pilates lessons as easily as possible. That is why you may join any group class at Pilates Studio Pitonyasa. You do not have to check if the group class matches your level, as there are no levels in our studio. You choose the day and time that suit you the best. And you are allowed to do so for each lesson, so that you do not have to skip Pilates because it does not fit your agenda.

Like to experience it yourself?

Are you curious and do you like to experience yourself how it is to be personally guided in a group class? Check our schedule and make an appointment. We welcome you!

Posted by Sandra Pagano in News and blog